Kevin's Workout

Kevin’s workout is focused on increasing mobility, core and upper body strength.

Complete the Warm Up, Core and Glute exercises in order, then proceed with the three rounds of 9 exercises. Rounds 1 and 2 are essential. Extra credit for completing round 3.

Foam rolling can be completed at either the beginning or end of this workout.

I recommend completing this workout 2-3 times per week.

This workout requires a cable machine (i.e., functional trainer) that should be available at most commercial and community recreation center gyms.

Warm Up

Bird Dog

  • On all fours place hands beneath shoulders and knees beneath hips. 

  • Raise opposite arm and leg and hold for 3 secs (or a full exhale).

  • Finish reps on one side, then repeat on the other side.

  • Stabilize your core, keep your hips level, and position the extended leg at hip level.

  • Complete 12 reps per side.

Child Pose

  • Sit on your heels with your toes pointed back.

  • Slide your hands forward on the floor while bending to a bowing position.

  • Hold position for 20 seconds, or as long as required to loosen up.

T-Spine Rotation

  • Sit on your heels and slide one hand on the floor in front of you.

  • Place your other hand on your ear and point your elbow towards the ceiling.

  • Rotate elbow toward your opposite knee.

  • Keep your arm in a static position throughout the movement.

  • Focus movement in upper back area and avoid twisting your lower back.

  • Complete 12-15 reps per side.

Floor Slides

  • Lie on the floor with knees up, hands placed above your head, and back of your hands in contact with floor.

  • Push arms and hands into the floor and slide arms up and down (think touchdown).

  • During the movement make sure your lower back stays in contact with the floor.

  • Complete 12-15 reps.

Band Walk  

  • Place band around calves.

  • Slightly squat down and add tension to band.

  • Step laterally 10 - 15 steps in both directions.

  • Complete 2-3 sets.

Deep Squat

  • For support, hold onto a bar, railing, pole, or TRX with handles positioned at chest height.

  • Squat until your hips are below your knees.

  • Feel a stretch in your upper back and shoulders.  

  • Keep your shins vertical and your back straight.

  • Keep weight on your heels and return to standing position.

  • Complete 12-15 reps.

Core and Glute Activation

Front Plank

  • Start in a push up position on your hands. You can also plank on your forearms.

  • Make sure your hands are directly under your shoulders.

  • Start with a 30 sec hold, then work up to a 1-minute hold.

  • Advanced Options:

    • Lift one arm or one foot off the floor to reduce your stability.

    • Plank holding a medicine ball to reduce your stability.

Side Plank

  • Lie on your side, stack your feet, and keep your elbow directly under your shoulder.

  • Lift your hip off the floor, balancing on your forearm and side of the bottom foot.

  • Start with a 30 sec hold, then work up to 45 sec holds per side.

  • Keep your body straight and your upper shoulder pointed toward the ceiling.

Glute Raise

  • While laying on the floor, place one of your heels on the edge of a bench or step.

  • Pull your other leg toward your chest and maintain that position throughout the movement.

  • Push off the bench, lifting your hips off the floor into a bridge position and pausing for 1 second.

  • Return to the starting position and briefly touch the floor to complete the rep.

  • Complete 12 - 15 reps per leg.

Round 1

1 Arm Chest Press

  • Get into a split stance facing away from the functional trainer (FT).

  • Position handle at chest level.

  • Grab the handle and press forward in a punching motion.

  • Stabilize your torso so that only your arm are moving.

  • Inhale prior to press. Exhale when arm is fully extended.

Leg Curl

  • Bend slightly forward and grab cable machine rail for support.

  • Bend knee and pull foot up towards your butt.

  • Return foot to floor about even with other foot.

  • Imagine you’re wiping something off the bottom of your shoe.

  • Pick a weight or resistance band that allows a full range of motion.

1 Arm Row

  • Get into a split stance facing the functional trainer (FT).

  • Row on same side as rear foot.

  • Brace your core and pull the handle to the side of your torso, keeping shoulder square and minimizing upper-body movement.

  • Inhale prior to pull. Exhale at end of pull.

Core Press

  • Stand sideways to functional trainer.

  • Hold handle at waistband height.

  • Take one step away from functional trainer.

  • Slowly press handle until arms are straight.

  • Inhale at start of press. Exhale at end of press out.

Round 2

1 Arm Dumbbell Press

  • Hold dumbbell at shoulder height.

  • Position elbow at 45 degrees from body.

  • Align dumbbell with upper arm.

  • Press up, and slow return to starting position.

  • Inhale at start of press. Exhale at top of press.

Split Squat

  • Your resistance options are: dumbbells w/suitcase grip, kettlebell w/goblet hold, or bodyweight w/prisoner position as demoed in video.

  • Load weight on front foot heel, and lower body until front thigh is parallel to floor.

  • Picture yourself going down an elevator. Avoid “sawing” back and forth.

  • Inhale on the way down and full exhale at top of movement.

1 Arm Pulldown

  • Move pully and handle to top position on functional trainer.

  • Get on one knee and grab the handle with your palm facing down.

  • Pull on same side as down knee.

  • Pull the handle to chest level, turning your palm inward towards your body during the pull.

  • Slowly return the handle to the start position.

  • Inhale prior to pull. Exhale at end of pull.

Core Chop

  • Place rope at waistband height on functional trainer (FT).

  • Stand sideways to FT and hold rope in both hands next to your hip. 

  • Pull rope horizontally across your body to other side.

  • Stabilize your core and do not rotate your hips. 

  • Slowly return rope to starting position.

  • Inhale at start of chop. Exhale at end of chop.

Round 3

Incline Bench Press

  • Position top of bench back 30 degrees.

  • Tilt up bench seat.

  • Hold 2 dumbbells at inline with chest and arms slightly below 90 degrees.

  • Press dumbbells together towards ceiling, then slowly lower back to start.

  • Inhale at before press. Exhale at top of press.

Bent Leg Kickback

  • Place foot in recommended BC Strength Foot Strap.

  • Bend knee, point toe towards floor, and press foot back until leg is almost straight.

  • Bend slightly forward and grab cable machine rail for support.

  • Imagine you’re kicking open a door behind you.

  • Bring working knee as forward as possible to obtain full range of motion.

High Row

  • Face functional trainer and get into a split stance.

  • Completely extend arm on back leg side and keep palm facing down throughout movement.

  • Pull handle until elbow is even with and slightly below shoulder. Arm positioned at 90 degrees.

  • Be careful not to shrug shoulder during movement.

  • Squeeze shoulder blade at end of movement.

  • Inhale at start of row. Exhale at end of row.

Bent Arm Raise

  • Hold 2 dumbbells with arms bent at 90 degrees and elbows touching sides.

  • Keep arms at 90 degrees and raise elbows and dumbbells to shoulder level.

  • Be careful not to shrug shoulders.

  • Inhale at start of raise. Exhale at top of raise.

Cool Down

Foam Roll – Glute

  • Sit on the roller and cross leg.

  • Tilt toward the glute to be rolled.

  • Slowly roll the glute in an up and down direction.

  • Roll for 20-30 seconds each side.

Foam Roll – Quad

  • Lie on your side with the outside of your quad on the foam roller and your weight on one forearm.

  • Use a sawing motion to pull and push yourself over the roller.

  • Move the roller from the side of your quad to the front.

  • Focus rolling on the areas just below your hip bone to just above your knee.

  • Roll 20-30 secs each leg.