If you have the space, I highly recommend investing in a home gym. Over the long term a home gym investment will cost much less than paying annual gym membership fees. In addition to cost savings, a home gym investment offers you the following benefits:

  • Cleaner workout environment

  • More frequent workouts

  • Time savings and flexibility

Listed below are my top recommendations and sources for an affordable home gym. I regularly use all of the listed equipment. If you would like to learn how you can build your home gym, or just want to discuss specific equipment, please contact me by clicking on the button below.

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Glute Loop – I use the Glute Loop for focused glute strengthening exercises such as:

  • Lateral Band Walks

  • Banded Clamshells

  • Hip Bridges

Glute Loops come in a variety of resistance levels, and are more durable and comfortable than traditional elastic bands. For more info, click on the link below.

Bret Contreras: https://www.bretcontreras.store/products/glute-loop

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Foam Roller – Foam rolling is an effective way to start your workout to warm up muscles, increase joint mobility, reduce muscle tightness, and improve muscle tissue quality. I prefer the TriggerPoint foam rollers that cost $30 - $50. For more info, click on the link below.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2WqfHon


Bosu Ball - I use a Bosu ball for pushups and for balance training.

Doing pushups on the Bosu adds a core stability challenge to the movement. For more info, click on the link below.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3hAkyvi

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Suspension Trainer – I use suspension trainers for exercises such as:

  • Inverted Rows and Presses

  • 1 leg Squats

  • Core Strengthening

In my home gym, I use the Jungle Gym XT trainer which costs around $100. The TRX Suspension Trainer is another great option. For more info, click on the link below.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/395t0je


Bench – An adjustable bench is great for performing chest presses and hip thrusts. I recommend investing in a sturdy, adjustable bench if you plan to push heavy weight. Rep Fitness is my recommended source for benches. For more info, click on the link below.

Rep Fitness: https://www.repfitness.com

Sled Trainer - A sled is great tool for building speed, power, and lower body strength.

I prefer using a quieter wheeled sled that can be operated on a variety of indoor/outdoor surfaces. I use the XPO Trainer sled from Armored Fitness. This sled includes a motor that resists force. The harder you push the sled, the more resistance, so you can use lower weighted plates to operate the sled. For more info, click on the link below.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2WpRUVo

Functional Trainer - I use my functional trainer for the following exercises:

  • Rows, presses, and pullups

  • Hamstring and glute exercises

  • Core stability and power exercises

One of the best investments you can make for your home gym is a functional trainer. Functional trainers offer dual adjustable cable columns making them extremely versatile, enabling unilateral and core work. For more info, click on the link below.

Inspire: https://inspirefitness.com

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Non-Motorized (Running) Treadmill - Treadmills are an effective warm up before strength training, and also for performing more intense cardio work. I prefer the non-motorized treadmills such as the Air Assault. This treadmill offers great training to prepare for hiking up Colorado’s high summits. For more info, click on the link below.

Assault Fitness: https://www.assaultfitness.com/

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Interactive (Hiking) Treadmill - If you are seeking a more interactive treadmill that offers motivating instructor lead workouts from IFit, I suggest the Nordictrack Commercial Incline Treadmill series. These treadmills incline up to 40% allowing similar resistance to pushing a sled. For more info, click on the links below.

Nordictrack: https://www.nordictrack.com/incline-trainers