Thank you for visiting Fit Masters!

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I hope this site inspires you to invest in your health by starting a strength training program. Regardless of your age, it’s never too late start strength training. The key is selecting the right trainer and training program that works for you.

Below are results my clients are earning by investing in their strength training with Fit Masters:

  • Increased strength and power.

  • Improved mobility, flexibility, and balance.

  • Increased endurance and energy level.

  • Improved weight management.

  • Improved skeletal (bone density) health.

My clients tell me that strength training also gives them increased confidence to pursue and enjoy new adventures. Below are examples of two Fit Masters clients who are certainly enjoying new adventures. You can find more client testimonials on the Client Results page.

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Stevan (66) - Parker, CO

“I have been working with David for two years. During that time I have doubled or tripled my strength. My balance and dynamic movements have improved . Finally with agility improving, I have been able to continue my quest of adventure in the outdoors. Thank you David!”

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Theresa (66) - Parker, CO

Training for the past year and a half with David allowed me to take a bucket list trip to snorkel in the Galapagos and climb Machu Picchu. Having two bad knees, a weak core and limited upper body strength, I was in no condition to take this physically taxing trip. By consistently working out with David’s supervision, support and encouragement, I have gained strength, flexibility and balance throughout my body. I was able to swim against strong currents in the Galapagos, pull myself up into a pitching boat and walk on jagged surfaces and rocks with confidence. As we toured Peru in extreme altitudes, I walked up and down steep hills, steep stone stairs and cobbled streets for hours. The time spent working out and having David push me to lift heavier weights, do deeper squats and pushups, hold correct planks, maintain challenging balance holds and do high intensity cardio has paid huge dividends in not only living daily life but taking this amazing trip of a lifetime and thoroughly enjoying it despite the physical rigor.”