Cycling Workout - Warm Ups
You should complete these warm up exercises at the start of the Stronger Cycling Workout. Click on the following link to find this workout: Cycling Workout - Bands
This will prepare your body for the workout stress and also improve posture, increase range of motion of shoulders and hips, and build core stability and strength. When limited on time, you can complete these exercises as a standalone workout.
Bird Dog
On all fours place hands beneath shoulders and knees beneath hips.
Raise opposite arm and leg and hold for 3 secs (or a full exhale).
Finish reps on one side, then repeat on the other side.
Stabilize your core, keep your hips level, and position the extended leg at hip level.
Complete 12 reps per side.
Child Pose
Sit on your heels with your toes pointed back.
Slide your hands forward on the floor while bending to a bowing position.
Hold position for 20 seconds, or as long as required to loosen up.
T-Spine Rotation
Sit on your heels and slide one hand on the floor in front of you.
Place your other hand on your ear and point your elbow towards the ceiling.
Rotate elbow toward your opposite knee.
Keep your arm in a static position throughout the movement.
Focus movement in upper back area and avoid twisting your lower back.
Complete 12-15 reps per side.
World’s Greatest Stretch
Get into a deep lunge position with your front leg bent at 90 degrees.
Position elbow next ankle of your front leg. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds.
Rotate hips by pointing hand towards the ceiling. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds.
Reverse position and repeat on other side.
Floor Slides
Lie on the floor with knees up, hands placed above your head, and back of your hands in contact with floor.
Push arms and hands into the floor and slide arms up and down (think touchdown).
During the movement make sure your lower back stays in contact with the floor.
Complete 12-15 reps.
Deep Squat
For support, hold onto a bar, railing, pole, or TRX with handles positioned at chest height.
Squat until your hips are below your knees.
Feel a stretch in your upper back and shoulders.
Keep your shins vertical and your back straight.
Keep weight on your heels and return to standing position.
Complete 12-15 reps.
Leg Swing
Straighten your leg and swing it forward and back as far as you can while keeping your upper body stable.
Do not bend your knee during the swing.
Focus movement on your hips
Complete 15-20 swings per side.
Open the Gate
Lift your knee up to hip level, pivot knee 90 degrees to your side, then lower toe to the floor (open gate).
Return knee to hip level and pivot knee back to starting position, then lower toe to the floor (close gate).
Keep your upper body stable and pointing straight ahead while pivoting knee to the side and back.
Complete 10 reps per side.